Movement as Culture: Dance in the Middle East, North Africa, and the Diaspora

A Historical Analysis of the Colonial Response to Powerful Devadasi and Ouled Naïl Dancers During the First Half of the 20th century

This project is focused on examining the response of British and French colonial powers to female dancers in the regions of Algeria and India during the first half of the 20th century. The dancers studied in this project include the Devadasis from India and the Ouled Nail from Algeria. Along with studying images and the actual dance form of these dancers, their lives after colonialism will be studied through this project.  Both groups of dancers share similarities from their liminal position in society and their association with sexuality to their ability to independently earn a living through their dance form. The respective colonial forces arrived in both regions not too far apart from one another and their response to these women was quite similar in nature. Both colonial groups sought to strip these women of their art form through legislative and economic policies. These policies will be documented via a timeline of key events.  While examining the actual events that transpired during this time period, this project will also develop a collective framework as to how dancers have been viewed historically and their historic correlation with sexuality and prostitution. This framework will be connected back to this case study throughout the project. On a deeper level, this project will look to the motives of these attacks on female dancers. By examining these motives, this project will argue that fear of powerful women was the primary driving force behind these legislative and economic actions and the attempted erasure of these dancers.

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