Finding Freedom in the Parting of the Ways

The Sublime

Involved in Shafer’s storytelling memory tracing entry into the what could be, is a tangle with the sublime. To contend with this, Shafer explains that they work earnestly to set the equipment up, then “allow the terrain to do what it wants to do.” Shafer further explains that while they as an artist have goals, “the land does not have an agenda.” Reflecting on a rough photo shoot when the artist was shaken by fierce, unrelenting winds, Shafer remarked that the land was responding to the activities of free men who act bolstered by the premise that they can extricate themselves from nature. Shafer advises that “the land will respond to the actions that man takes” and sees their work as a practice involved in giving a voice to the natural realm. In the landscape unencumbered and unrestricted Shafer works to liberate the land in order to articulate complex histories that have been obfuscated, denied, and entangled through settler colonizing, and abuses of power.

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