Finding Freedom in the Parting of the Ways

Diverging Paths Audio Gallery

Julie Shafer discusses the impetus of their project while viewing a selection of images from The Parting of the Ways series.


"I was reading about something else, and saw this image in a Google search that was a literal fork in the trail and I saw “Parting of the Ways” as the title for that location… And so, I was intrigued and clicked on it and started reading about since hundreds and thousands of wagon trains had gone across the Oregon Trail, how you can still to this day see wagon ruts, and that they are permanently etched into the earth and that Wyoming in particular still has a large area still intact because of lack of development and you know lots of highways that run through Wyoming. So, honestly it was based on seeing an image on a Google search. And, that’s what pulled me in." - Julie Shafer May 5, 2020

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