Finding Freedom in the Parting of the Ways

Suggesting Wind

Shafer often writes of their experiences as they photograph in these remote spaces. The shoot in which they’d capture Untitled (Edith) was planned months in advance, and involved a summer scouting to the location, as well as a number of friendly conversations with locals. Shafer was approached by a local business owner who was curious about the project and referred Shafer to a neighbor who knew a rock face across a river that was rarely visited because of the difficulty crossing the swiftly moving water. The neighbor had an all terrain vehicle, and warmly agreed to take Shafer to the site in the fall. The day of the scheduled rendezvous, however, saw an unusually early cold front that dropped temperatures below 15 degrees. Shafer had to wait a few days for temperatures to rise to a more hospitable 30 degrees to embark. Once at the site, near Devil’s Gate and Independence Rock, Shafer was astonished by the unrelenting force of the wind. While it’s impossible to do more than suggest wind in a still photographic image, a sense of its harshness is nonetheless present in the print.

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