Ideas and Forms in Art: Stories on Love, War & Industry, and Women: A Gould Center Passion Project

Love: An Introduction

“So, yes? No? Maybe so?” This is how my junior year English teacher began class each day. “Is this art?” He called on someone to give their opinion. I remember thinking it was a silly question. He already told us we’d be looking at art, so why would anyone argue otherwise. That was the beginning of me trying to form a definition of art. 

I remember looking at this one work. One that made me realize the joy of understanding art and recognizing its capacity to tell a story. Something like a sculpture or painting is static, it does not move. It seems passive like it cannot do anything to you. However, with a little guidance on how to expand my perspective, I found myself seeing another world in it. I thought I was reaching enlightenment. I felt so happy and accomplished that I could see what someone meant for me to see. I understood this two hundred year old sculpture. It was my first real connection to art. Now, I love art. I love art that talks about love. And, to no surprise, I love talking about love. It’s such a beautiful thing. 

In no world would I suggest that six days is enough to talk about everything between love and art. It is enough time for me to explore a little bit about what art can say for love. 

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