Ideas and Forms in Art: Stories on Love, War & Industry, and Women: A Gould Center Passion Project

Art Can Be Hard

Another exhibit on display in this gallery was supposed to be one of my own work. I thought I should try to be an artist instead of only talking about others. I tried "perfecting" a female figure on paper. I have never taken lessons or dedicated any time to a fine art. Trying to draw a person a day was really hard at first. Then, I realized what was making it so hard. I didn't like drawing people. I didn't like trying to figure them out. I was forcing my pencil to the paper instead of it gravitating towards it. So, I stopped. Early on too. I don't think this means I'm not an artist in any way. It just means maybe I don't like sketching people for fun. It was nice to see some quick progress, but I didn't have a natural energy to capture what my eyes see. And I think that's okay. I did maybe seven sketches of women. I tried to model them after real people. I never thought I did them justice, but I didn't want put myself through an hour of work. Work. That's exactly what it felt like. So, I will keep on appreciating art as an artist of other means. That's my real passion anyway.

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