Ideas and Forms in Art: Stories on Love, War & Industry, and Women: A Gould Center Passion Project

Love: An Introduction

“So, yes? No? Maybe so?” This is how my junior year English teacher began class each day. “Is this art?” He would call on someone to give their opinion. I remember thinking what a silly question. He already told us we’d be looking at art, so why would anyone argue otherwise? That was really the beginning of me thinking about what are is and what it had meant to me in the past.

One day, we looked at this beautiful sculpture. Absolutely picturesque. Something like a sculpture or painting is static, it does not move. It seems passive like it cannot do anything to you. However, with a little guidance on how to expand my perspective, I found myself seeing another world in it. It was then when I recognized arts' capacity to tell a story. I felt so happy that I could see what someone meant for me to see. I understood this two hundred year old sculpture. It was my first exposure to a connection to art.

Since then, I've loved learning and
experiencing art. One of my favorite feelings is when art empathizes with me. It’s such a beautiful thing. So, this week, I wanted to experience and empathize with art about love. 
In no world would I suggest that six days is enough to talk about everything between love and art, but it's enough to begin exploring. Hopefully these pieces provoke you as they did me.

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